Had the southern Minnesota inland trout fishing season ended on September 30th as it usually does there would had been no regrets on my end. Since January 1st I had spent more days fishing than any other year that I can remember and I have a pretty good memory. I probably fished more days than anybody I know; that is if you don't include Nick Brevitz. That being said I surely wasn't upset when I learned that the trout fishing season had been extended until October 15th on all southern Minnesota streams.
While heavy rains in May and June had forced me to expand my repertoire of Wisconsin trout streams the fact that the Wisconsin season ended September 30th would now force me to focus my efforts on some Minnesota gems that I have previously left unmolested. I have come to enjoy this type of forced discovery.
At 5am on Saturday October 4th I picked up Kyle Schaefer in St. Paul and we made our way to our favorite stream in southern Minnesota. We have caught and spotted many large trout here in the past and when Kyle Schaefer and Eddie Rivard join forces trophy trout are always on the menu.
We started up the stream shortly after 7:00am with high enthusiasm and even higher expectations. The October air was cold but like clockwork my farts would soon warm up the inside of my waders.
It wasn't long before I felt a little resistance and with a little persistence I landed the first trout of the day. I have a habit of always photographing the first fish of the day because it is not completely uncommon for it to also be the last fish of the day.
Being overcome with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction; I was so happy.
Working our way up stream we took turns fishing. When Kyle was fishing I would just stand there admiring his casting and eating Snickers. Besides being highly skilled at fly casting Kyle is also a fun guy.
But Kyle wasn't the only fungi that would be on the stream that morning. I photographed this mushroom that was growing out of a stream side log. I ate a small chunk of it to determine if it was the psychedelic type. After hours of vomiting I determined that it was not the psychedelic type
We continued making our way upstream catching trout after trout. And another and another and a sister and a brother. We tried to catch a trout that we detected under cover. The trout grabbed my Streamer and started acting erratic Kyle said,"Stay still Eddie no need for static." This was a trout that I knew I must land and was glad Kyle was there with a net in his hand.
The trout measured in at nineteen and a half. He looked a little dirty so I gave him a bath.
Now where were we.
This beaver dam had given way.
The leaves were starting to change.
Kyle caught this nice Chub.
I thought this one was 17 inches but then I measured it and it was only 15 inches. Story of my life.
A dude and his trout.
Another end to another day.
You have just read the first chapter in a four part series of Hunt for Trout October posts. I was going to do it all in one mega post but my fingers hurt from all this typing. Thanks for reading. -Eddie Rivard
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You seem to do a lot of streamer fishing.I am sure just to catch the biggest fish in the river.I fish streamers some of the the time with very little results.What am I doing wrong?Next spring I want to tag along on a trip.I will pack lunch.I am a chef by trade.
That sounds like a good idea Brian. What has taken me years to hone I will be able to show you within a matter of a couple hours. While I was once a Streamer Dreamer I am now a Streamer Dream Teamer. For me it is the most fun way to catch a trout with a fly rod. You are much more connected to your fly than you are with a drag free drift although I do see how some could have a different opinion.
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